Do you have a problem that takes too much time to get solved? Are you not satisfied with a proposed solution? Or do you think that our customer service does not comply with the customer service charter?
Our internal complaints service can help you. Our colleagues investigate every case in an objective point of view, and try to get to a solution, always in consultation with both parties. You can nevertheless turn to the Ombudsman Service for Telecommunications.
Is there a particular problem or concern? Contact us to discuss the matter. Problems need to be solved. This way edpnet can improve her services. We should learn from our mistakes.
You can reach our internal complaints service via:
- Email:
- Telephone:+32 3 265 67 27
- Address: Bellestraat 30, 9100 Sint-Niklaas
Or you can reach the Ombudsman Service for Telecommunications:
- E-mail: or
- Telephone: +32 2 223 06 06 / +32 2 223 09 09
- Address: Koning Albert II-laan 8 bus 3, 1000 Brussel / Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8 boîte 3, 1000 Bruxelles
- Website:
Or you can reach an accredited Online Dispute Resolution-entity, as specified on the platform of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). You can fill out a complaint form via the platform mentioned above, which will forward the complaint immediately to the defendant in a simple and understandable manner.