The Easy Switch ID is the unique identification code that lets your current operator know which service(s) he should terminate.
Basically, the Easy Switch ID refers to the contract of your current fixed internet connection (1).
In case that your current contract also includes fixed and/or mobile telephony, the Easy Switch ID will also apply to this/these service(s). This does not mean that you are obliged to transfer this/these service(s) to your new operator. You are free to keep your phone number(s) with your current operator, transfer your phone number(s) to your new operator, have your phone number(s) deleted, or a combination of these options.
If applicable, check your current operator's website if it is technically and commercially possible to maintain certain services with him without having a fixed internet connection (1) with him. In this case, your current operator may ask you to conclude a new contract for this/these service(s).
Additional options, such as a mobile data packages, must be terminated by your current operator if and as soon as the main service (in this example, the mobile phone subscription) is terminated.
(1) Fixed television is also included in the Royal Decree, but is not being mentioned on this page by edpnet because we do not offer such service.